Bila dah tabur daun bawang, daun sup n bawang goreng sgera ni, yumm...harum baunya.
Salam sejahtera, selamat pagi,
Sejuk pagi ni. Sejak malam tadi hujan rintik2 kat sini...punyala berat nak bangun, hihihi. Pagi ni, kita bekfes oat porridge.Oh ya, tak lupa balance nasi goreng jagung last night..saya hangatkan.
Opss, jangan risau sapae2 yg tak suka oat...oat porridge ni, campur beras. Memang skali rasa macam bubur ayam jer, lebih2 mmg ada buh ayam.. ;) But more healthy. Jumpa resipi ni, kat blog kak zalina Sumber dari oat quaker. Sekali pekatnya macam buh santan plak. I terfikir2, oat ni boleh ganti santan dalam Bubur Lambuk? More healthy, right? ...hihihi.
Jika nak wat porridge for breakfast, seeloknya rendam BERAS awal2 bangun tido, bila masak nanti zup zap jer beras tu kembang. Sapae2 yg ada slow cooker, mungkin bole masuk beras dan bahan lain yg sesuai, siap2 dalam slow cooker ni, set LOW seblum tido. Itu tips dlm buku la. Sape yg ada pressure cooker lebih pandai dr saya...hihihi. Terima kasih banyak2 kepada kak zaliana sbb tayang resipi ni. Suka.. sangat sbb dah lama tak buat bubur. Saya kopipes jer dr blog kak zaliana.
Savoury Oat Porridge atau Bubur oat-dari kak zalina sumber Quaker Oat
* Spring onions
* Fried onions
* Chillies, sliced
Ingredients :
* 1 cup/90g Quaker Quickcook Oatmeal
* 100g of chicken fillet, sliced
* ½ tsp sesame oil (optional)
* 1 tsp light soy sauce
* Pinch of white pepper
* ½ cup (100g) rice, washed and soaked for 30 minutes
* 1 litre water
* 1 tbsp cooking oil
* Ginger, shredded
* 2 dried mushrooms, soaked, washed and sliced - (nurindah: saya guna cendawan kembang jer)
* 1 small carrot, diced - (nurindah: lupa bubuh..:)
Method :
1. Season chicken with sesame oil, light soy sauce and pepper. Set aside.
2. Heat oil in saucepan. Add ginger, dried mushrooms and chicken. Cook, stirring, for 2-3 minutes.
3. Add rice, water, Quaker Quickcook Oatmeal and carrots.
4. Cook about 30 minutes until porridge is soft and creamy. If too thick and dry, adjust consistency with additional hot water. Season to taste with salt and pepper.
5. Serve in individual bowls with a dash of sesame oil and light soy sauce. Garnish with spring onions, fried shallots and chillies.